
German is official language of 42 countries spoken by over 100 million people. Learning German can provide you with many benefits such as increased job prospects, enhanced communication skills, and a deeper understanding of international affairs.
Benefits of Learning German Language:
English (IELTS)

IELTS is accepted as evidence of English language skills by almost all immigration authorities. This is crucial when applying for a visa, as well as applying to university.
It is the test for study:
Thousands of the world’s most reputable universities and colleges will accept your IELTS results as evidence of your English language proficiency.
It is the test for professionals −
Professional registration bodies in many fields will accept an IELTS result, including accounting, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and teaching bodies in many countries.
It is the test for migration –
IELTS is accepted by governments in more countries than any other English language test as a requirement for permanent residency.